Engineering Technology MSET

Major: Engineering Technology
Degree Awarded: Master of Science in Engineering Technology (MSET)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 45.0
Co-op Option: None
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.4101
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-3029

About the Program

Effective May 15, 2020, new students are no longer being accepted into this program, however similar options are available. Contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253 for additional information.

Engineering Technology provides a broad grasp of technologies, tools, and processes that are critical to a modern industrial workplace. The discipline emphasizes application over theory, and it is designed for individuals who want marketable and immediately applicable skills for technology-intensive organizations.

The discipline of Engineering Technology is closely aligned with Engineering Management, as both degrees develop advanced-level practitioners who are skilled in solving technical and organizational problems through the application of engineering principles and technology. The MSET curriculum provides technical expertise, and Engineering Management provides business and leadership skills that technical workers need to compete successfully in the global marketplace. Engineering Management prepares professionals for supervisory responsibilities in areas such as research and development, production, engineering design, and technical marketing. The MSET program allows students to gain a deep understanding of both the technical and business concerns of an organization, leading to advanced positions in leadership.

Program Goals

Graduates of the Master of Science in Engineering Technology will be expected to:

  • Apply scientific and technological concepts to solving technological problems
  • Apply concepts and skills developed in a variety of technical and professional disciplines, including computer applications and networking, materials properties and production processes, and quality control to improve production processes and techniques
  • Plan, facilitate, and integrate technology and problem-solving techniques in the leadership functions of the industrial enterprise system
  • Engage in applied technical research that will add to the knowledge of the discipline and solve problems in an industrial environment
  • Develop the communication skills required for technical managers

Additional Information

For more information, view the College of Engineering's Engineering Technology program webpage or contact Gerry Willis at 215-895-6253 or

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have a 3.0 grade point average in their undergraduate or upper division (junior and senior year) coursework.

International students who have their undergraduate degree from a country whose language is not English can be admitted with a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test score of 550 or better. For more information regarding international applicant requirements, view the International Students Admissions Information page.

Prerequisite courses

The following prerequisite courses must be completed at the undergraduate level with a minimum grade of C:

  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Physics I (can be algebra based)
  • Physics II (can be algebra based)
  • AC/DC Circuit Analysis
  • Digital Electronics
  • Chemistry I or Materials
  • Business Statistics

Additional Information

Visit the Graduate Admissions website for more information about requirements and deadlines, as well as instructions for applying online.

Degree Requirements 

Candidates for the MS in Engineering Technology must complete a minimum of 45.0 quarter credits. A minimum grade of B is required in all core courses and no more than two C grades in electives.

Of the 45.0 quarter credits required for the degree, 30.0 must be earned at Drexel University, including 24.0 credits of Engineering Technology (ET) courses. A maximum of 15.0 transfer credits may be allowed for graduate courses taken at other institutions if they are appropriate to the student's plan of study.

Core Courses
EGMT 571Engineering Statistics3.0
EGMT 610Ethics & Business Practices for Engineers3.0
ET 610Networks for Industrial Environments3.0
ET 615Rapid Prototyping and Product Design3.0
ET 619Programmable Devices and Systems3.0
ET 620Microsystems and Microfabrication3.0
ET 681Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering3.0
ET 725Sensors and Measurement Systems3.0
ET 732Modern Energy Conversion Technologies3.0
Select three of the following:
Statistical Data Analysis
Materials for Emerging Technologies
Engineering Quality Methods
Reliability Engineering
Precision Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing Principles
Renewable Energy Technology
Sustainable and Green Manufacturing
Introduction to Project Management
Systems Engineering Management
Capstone Course 9.0
Master's Project and Thesis in Engineering Technology *
Total Credits45.0

This is a three (3) credit course that is repeated three (3) times.

Program Level Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be prepared to:

  • Use the knowledge, skills, and tools, including a knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering, to identify and solve a broad range of engineering technology problems
  • Design and conduct experiments and measurements, to analyze and interpret data and to apply experimental results to improve systems, components, or processes
  • Design systems, components, and processes to meet requirements within realistic constraints
  • Function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team
  • Communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical audiences
  • Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
  • Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility and the impact of engineering technology solutions in a societal and global context
  • Have a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement

Engineering Technology Faculty

M. Eric Carr, MsCpE (Drexel University). Instructor. Computer Engineering, Digital Design, Programmable Devices, Genetic Algorithms, Programming, Additive Manufacturing, Maker Movement.
Richard Chiou, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Green manufacturing, mechatronics, Internet-based robotics and automation, and remote sensors and monitoring.
Yalcin Ertekin, PhD (University of Missouri-Rolla). Associate Clinical Professor. High speed machining with micromachining applications, machining process optimization and condition monitoring using multiple sensors, FEA simulation with 3D solid modeling applications, rapid prototyping and reverse engineering, quality and reliability improvement through statistically designed experiments, neural networks and data mining and Taguchi methods, CNC machine tool calibration characterization of cold fastening, clinching and self-pierced riveting processes, non-invasive surgical tool design, student learning enhancement using online simulation tools.
Donald Fehlinger, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Phase Change Heat Transfer, Engineering Education.
Irina Ciobanescu Husanu, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Microgravity combustion, thermal-fluid science with applications in micro-combustion, fuel cells and research of alternative and green fuels, energy conversion and renewable energy, industrial experience in aerospace engineering areas (theoretical analysis, numerical simulations and experimental investigations), design and testing of propulsion systems, mechanical instrumentation, and developing industrial applications of aircraft engines.