Health Science DHSc

Major: Health Science
Degree Awarded: Doctor of Health Science (DHSc)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 48.0
Co-op Option: None
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 51.1199
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 19-1042; 21-1091

Note: Applications are not being accepted for the 2024-2025 academic year

About the Program

The Doctor of Health Science (DHSc) program is designed to be an advanced doctoral degree program open to health professionals seeking leadership roles in their respective professions. The aim of the program is to prepare health professionals to be leaders in health care by acquiring skills as educators, administrators, members of research teams and advocates for best practice in health care and public health services with a commitment to interprofessional practice.

Program Objectives

Graduates of the Doctor of Health Science program will be prepared to:

  • Assume leadership positions in professional, academic, clinical and/or community organizations.
  • Educate students and practitioners in health sciences to work in academic, clinical and community settings.
  • Collaborate with key stakeholders, communities and professionals in the health, welfare and safety fields, to advance interprofessional practice, education and research.
  • Contribute to and disseminate scholarship for transfer of knowledge in the health sciences to promote excellence and best practice in healthcare. 

Optional Certificate

Students are eligible to receive a post-baccalaureate certificate in Mind, Brain, & Learning, when the certificate coursework has been completed. Students wishing to apply to the certificate must meet with their advisor prior to completing any certificate coursework. 

Admission Requirements

Applicants must possess a master's degree or a doctoral degree in a health care or public health profession, including administration. 

Applicants must have a current, active US or Canadian license to practice their discipline. Additional materials/qualifications may be required depending upon the admitting department. Applicants would complete a standard graduate application including submission of the following:

  • Copy of professional license (if applicable)
  • All college/university transcripts with minimum overall GPA of 3.0
  • Two letters of recommendation from direct supervisors, professors or mentors that can speak to the candidate’s interest and contributions to a health profession, ability to be successful in a doctoral program of this type and commitment to interprofessional practice
  • CV/resume showing significant health care experience (at least five years)  
  • Personal statement* reflecting:
    • Career goals
    • How this program will enable you to contribute to the profession and society
    • Interest and commitment to interprofessional education, research and practice 
    • Topic of scholarship interest
      • Applicants are encouraged to review the list of departments and faculty in the college to see the fit of potential mentors to their area of interest for study and research. 
      • Following this review, and possible discussion with possible faculty mentors, applicants should include in this personal statement the possible faculty mentors and describe how their scholarship area matches the research of one/two of the CNHP faculty.
    • You are ready for the journey to take on doctoral-level work which will demand much time and attention. 

*Questions about the content of the personal statement can be directed to Dr. Stephen F. Gambescia at

Degree Requirements

Core Courses
NHP 760Academia for Health Professionals2.0
NHP 762Health Professional Education3.0
NHP 767Leadership & Professional Issues3.0
NHP 769Population Health: An Interprofessional Approach3.0
Research Courses
NHP 810Biostatistical Applications2.0
RSCH 519Introduction to Biostatistics3.0
RSCH 700Foundations in Quantitative Research3.0
RSCH 813Measurement Theory in Healthcare3.0
NHP 818Scholarship Question Development2.0
NHP 827Scholarship I2.0
NHP 828Scholarship II2.0
NHP 829Scholarship III2.0
RSCH 741Foundations in Scholarly Inquiry & Writing3.0
Practicum Experience 3.0-5.0
Interprofessional Research Experience
Teaching Practicum *
Concentrations (Education or Individualized)12.0
Education Concentration (12 credits)
Neuroscience, Creativity and Innovation
Mind, Brain and Learning
Neuropedagogy and Assessment
Neurodiversity in Education and Workforce
Teaching Strategies and Learning Technologies in Health Professions Education
Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation in Health Professions Education
Individualized Concentration (by advisement) 12 credits **
Total Credits48.0-50.0

DHSc students who follow the Individualized concentration may choose to not complete the 2-credit Teaching practicum.


DHSc students who follow the Individualized concentration must complete 12 credits of electives. The courses must be 500-level, with no pre-requisites and/or restrictions, and are pre-approved by the student's Faculty Mentor. Courses are to be chosen from the College of Nursing and Health Professions. Courses from other colleges need approval from the mentor and advisor. 

Sample Plan of Study

Sample Plan of Study (Individualized Concentration - 2 courses per term) 

Note: Terms with less than 4.5 credits are ineligible for Financial Aid

First Year
NHP 7673.0NHP 7602.0NHP 7623.0IPS 8603.0
RSCH 5193.0NHP 7693.0RSCH 7413.0NHP 8182.0
 6 5 6 5
Second Year
RSCH 8133.0RSCH 7003.0NHP 8102.0
Elective (on advisement)**3.0Elective (on advisement)**3.0Elective (on advisement)**3.0Elective (on advisement)**3.0
 6 6 5 3
Third Year
NHP 8272.0NHP 8282.0NHP 8292.0 
 2 2 2 
Total Credits 48

DHSc students who follow the Individualized concentration may choose to not complete the 2-credit Teaching practicum.


DHSc students who follow the Individualized concentration must complete 12 credits of electives. The courses must be 500-level, with no pre-requisites and/or restrictions, and are pre-approved by the student's Faculty Mentor. Courses are to be chosen from the College of Nursing and Health Professions. Courses from other colleges need approval from the mentor and advisor.

Sample Plan of Study (Education Concentration - 2 courses per term)

Note: Terms with less than 4.5 credits are ineligible for Financial Aid

First Year
NHP 7673.0NHP 7602.0NHP 7623.0IPS 8603.0
RSCH 5193.0NHP 7693.0RSCH 7413.0NHP 8182.0
 6 5 6 5
Second Year
IPS 765 or CRTV 6153.0IPS 763 or EDHE 6203.0EDHE 621 (OR Elective [On Advisement])3.0EDHE 622 (OR Elective [On Advisement])3.0
RSCH 8133.0RSCH 7003.0NHP 8102.0NHP 8222.0
 6 6 5 5
Third Year
NHP 8272.0NHP 8282.0NHP 8292.0 
 2 2 2 
Total Credits 50

DHSc students who follow the Education concentration and choose not to complete EDHE 621 and EDHE 622 must complete elective courses. The courses must be 500-level, with no pre-requisites and/or restrictions, and are pre-approved by the student’s Faculty Mentor. Courses are to be chosen from the College of Nursing and Health Professions. Courses from other colleges need approval from the mentor and advisor.

Sample Plan of Study (Individualized  Concentration - one course per term)

Note: Terms with less than 4.5 credits are ineligible for Financial Aid

First Year
NHP 7673.0NHP 7693.0RSCH 7413.0IPS 8603.0
 3 3 3 3
Second Year
RSCH 5193.0NHP 7602.0NHP 7623.0NHP 8182.0
 3 2 3 2
Third Year
Elective (on advisement)**3.0Elective (on advisement)**3.0Elective (on advisement)**3.0Elective (on advisement)**3.0
 3 3 3 3
Fourth Year
RSCH 8133.0RSCH 7003.0NHP 8102.0
 3 3 2 0
Fifth Year
NHP 8272.0NHP 8282.0NHP 8292.0 
 2 2 2 
Total Credits 48

DHSc students who follow the Individualized concentration may choose to not complete the 2-credit Teaching practicum.


DHSc students who follow the Individualized concentration must complete 12 credits of electives. The courses must be 500-level, with no pre-requisites and/or restrictions, and are pre-approved by the student's Faculty Mentor. Courses are to be chosen from the College of Nursing and Health Professions. Courses from other colleges need approval from the mentor and advisor.

Sample Plan of Study (Education Concentration - one course per term)

Note: Terms with less than 4.5 credits are ineligible for Financial Aid

First Year
NHP 7673.0NHP 7693.0RSCH 7413.0IPS 8603.0
 3 3 3 3
Second Year
RSCH 5193.0NHP 7602.0NHP 7623.0NHP 8182.0
 3 2 3 2
Third Year
IPS 765 or CRTV 6153.0IPS 763 or EDHE 6203.0EDHE 621 (OR Elective [On Advisement])3.0EDHE 622 (OR Elective [On Advisement])3.0
 3 3 3 3
Fourth Year
RSCH 8133.0RSCH 7003.0NHP 8102.0NHP 8222.0
 3 3 2 2
Fifth Year
NHP 8272.0NHP 8282.0NHP 8292.0 
 2 2 2 
Total Credits 50

DHSc students who follow the Education concentration and choose not to complete EDHE 621 and EDHE 622 must complete elective courses. The courses must be 500-level, with no pre-requisites and/or restrictions, and are pre-approved by the student’s Faculty Mentor. Courses are to be chosen from the College of Nursing and Health Professions. Courses from other colleges need approval from the mentor and advisor.

Program Level Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be prepared to:

  • Assume health care and public health leadership positions in professional, academic, clinical and/or community organizations.
  • Educate students and practitioners in health sciences in academic, clinical and community settings.
  • Collaborate with key stakeholders, communities and professionals in health and other fields, to advance interprofessional practice, education and research.
  • Contribute to and disseminate scholarship for transfer of knowledge in the health sciences to promote excellence and best practice.