Nursing Leadership in Health Systems Management MSN / Business Administration MBA

Major: Nursing and Business Administration
Degrees Awarded: Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and Master of Science in Business Administration (MBA)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 82.0
Co-op Option: None
MSN Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 51.0702
MSN Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-3013
MBA Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 51.0201
MBA Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-1021

About the Program

The Drexel Online dual MSN in Nursing Leadership in Health Systems Management/Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) program prepares nurses for a senior leadership role in a fast-changing, increasingly demanding health care environment. Designed for part-time attendance by working nurses, this program teaches graduates to solve problems, make decisions, resolve conflict, address legal/ethical issues and operationalize the mission and goals of the health care delivery organization. Our flexible curriculum allows you to master the fundamentals of nursing leadership all while maintaining your busy schedule and earning your degree on your own time. Drexel University’s world-renowned faculty will help you develop and utilize these skills immediately in the workplace.

Additional Information

For more information about this program, contact:

Graduate Nursing Division

Additional information is also available on the Drexel's College of Nursing and Health Professions Nursing Leadership in Health Systems Management MSN/ Business Administration MBA webpage and the Drexel University Online Nursing Leadership in Health Systems Management MSN/ Business Administration MBA webpage.

Admission Requirements

  • A Bachelor of Science in Nursing from a program fully accredited by the National League of Nursing (NLN/ACEN) or the American Association Colleges of Nursing (AACN/CCNE).
  • 3.0 or above on all previous coursework or the last 60.0 credits completed. Applications from RNs with a GPA of less than 3.0 may be considered on an individual basis.
  • Official transcripts from all previous educational institutions are required.
  • Two professional references required from colleagues or supervisors who can attest to the applicant’s knowledge, skill and potential aptitude for graduate study.
    • Letters of recommendation are waived for students who have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Personal statement (no more than two pages and no less than one page double-spaced) that will give the admissions committee a better understanding of the following:
    • Why you are choosing this particular program of study.
    • Your plans upon completion of the degree.
    • How your current work experience will enhance your experience in this program.
  • Curriculum vitae or resume.
  • Copy of current U.S. RN license required.
  • Copies of any Advanced Practice Nursing licensure and certification documents.
  • While specific experience is not required for applicants to the track, previous related work experience may make an applicant more competitive.
  • International applicants must possess a BSN (or its equivalent) and current U.S. RN license.

    TOEFL Requirement

    International applicants, as well as immigrants to the United States and United States permanent residents whose native language is not English and who have not received a bachelor’s degree or higher in the United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand or the United Kingdom, must show proficiency in English speaking as well as listening, writing and reading. U.S. citizens born on U.S. military bases abroad may be waived from the TOEFL requirement after providing documentation of this status; otherwise, applicants must meet one of the following requirements:

    If you take the TOEFLiBT exam, you are required to have a minimum combined score for the listening, writing, and reading sections of 79 plus a speaking section score of 26 or higher.

    If you take the TOEFL, you are required to have a minimum score of 550 or higher and a Test of Spoken English score (TSE) of 55 or higher.

Degree Requirements

MSN Requirements
MSN Core Courses
NURS 500 [WI] Confronting Issues in Contemporary Health Care Environments3.0
NURS 502Advanced Ethical Decision Making in Health Care3.0
NURS 544Quality and Safety in Healthcare3.0
RSCH 503Research Methods and Biostatistics3.0
RSCH 504Evaluation and Translation of Health Research3.0
Major Courses
PROJ 501Introduction to Project Management3.0
NUPR 663Communication and Self-Awareness for Leadership4.5
NUPR 664The Economics and Business of Healthcare4.5
NUPR 665Managing Operations and Human Resources for Quality Outcomes of Care Delivery4.5
Practicum Courses
NURS 568Practicum and Symposium in Healthcare Operations Management3.0
NURS 569Practicum and Symposium in Technology and Management of Information in Healthcare Organizations3.0
MSN Electives
MSN Electives (7.5 total, 6.0 credits of which are satisfied by MBA Electives) *1.5
MBA Requirements
ACCT 510Essentials of Financial Reporting2.0
BLAW 510Analyzing Legal Options in Decision-Making2.0
BSAN 601Business Analytics for Managers3.0
ECON 601Managerial Economics3.0
FIN 601Corporate Financial Management3.0
MGMT 520Strategy Analysis2.0
MGMT 530Managing and Leading the Total Enterprise2.0
MGMT 770MBA Capstone2.0
MKTG 510Marketing Strategy2.0
ORGB 511Leading in Dynamic Environments: A Personal, Relational, and Strategic Approach3.0
POM 510Operations and Supply Chain Management2.0
Experiential Requirement-Select one course (3.0 credits satisfied by NURS 568)
Graduate Internship
International Business Seminar and Residency
Leading for Innovation
Business Consulting
Business Agility and IT
Negotiations for Leaders
Tax Experiential Learning
MBA Free Electives (3.0 credits satisfied by NURS 569) **8.0
Concentration 9.0
Total Credits82.0

Nursing Electives can be any course with the prefix Nursing (NURS, NUPR), Interprofessional Studies (IPS), or Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH/CIT), with course number ranging from 500-699.


MBA Graduate Credits include courses in Accounting (ACCT), Statistics (STAT), Economics (ECON), Finance (FIN), General Business (BUSN), Interdisciplinary Business (INDS), International Business (INTB), Legal Studies (BLAW), Management (MGMT), Management Information Systems (MIS), Marketing (MKTG), Operations Research (OPR), Organizational Behavior (ORGB), Production Operations Management (POM), Sport Management (SMT) or Taxation (TAX), with a course number range between 500-799 or other approved course at the graduate level.

Students selecting a concentration can choose from the following:

Business Analytics Concentration

Select three of the following9.0
Aligning Information Systems and Business Strategies
Inter-Active Decision Support Systems
Database Analysis and Design for Business
Customer Analytics
Marketing Experiments
Managerial Decision Models and Simulation
Supply Chain Analytics
Statistics for Business Analytics
Datamining for Managers
Time Series Forecasting
Special Topics in STAT
Total Credits9.0

Corporate Sustainability and Social Impact Concentration 

Choose three from the following9.0
Legal Aspects of Employment
Corporate Governance
Environmental and Social Issues in Finance
Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Business
Business Ethics
Sustainability and Value Creation
Corporate Brand & Reputation Management
Special Topics in ORGB
Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Social Issues in Sport
Total Credits9.0

Finance Concentration 

Select three of the following:9.0
Advanced Financial Management
Business Valuation
Corporate Governance
Environmental and Social Issues in Finance
Financial Institutions & Markets
Risk Management
Investment Management
Entrepreneurial Finance
Behavioral Finance
International Financial Management
Special Topics in Finance
Total Credits9.0

Effective Leadership Concentration 

Choose three of the following9.0
Leading the Digital Supply Chain
Business Ethics
Sustainability and Value Creation
Leading Virtual Teams
Negotiations for Leaders
Total Credits9.0

Marketing Concentration

Select three of the following, of which two MUST be from MKTG (any course with MKTG subject code and course number between 600-699) :9.0
MKTG Course 600-699
Special Topics in Legal Studies
Intro to Econometrics and Data Analysis
International Business Management
Knowledge Management
Systems Analysis & Design
Database Analysis and Design for Business
Managerial Decision Models and Simulation
Supply Chain Management I
Quality & Six-Sigma
Time Series Forecasting
Total Credits9.0

Strategic Technology & Innovation Management Concentration 

Required Courses
MGMT 602Innovation Management3.0
MGMT 603Technology Strategy3.0
Select one of the following:3.0
Business & Economic Strategy: Game Theory & Applications
Introduction to Change Management: An Integration of Macro and Micro Perspectives
Strategic Change Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
Knowledge Management
Sustainability and Value Creation
Leading for Innovation
Strategy Implementation
Change Management Experiential Capstone
MIS Policy and Strategy
Business Agility and IT
New Product Planning, Strategy, and Development
Managerial Decision Models and Simulation
Leading and Executing Change
Negotiations for Leaders
Time Series Forecasting
Total Credits9.0

Supply Chain Management & Logistics Concentration 

Select three of the following: 9.0
Leading the Digital Supply Chain
Systems Analysis & Design
Managerial Decision Models and Simulation
Supply Chain Management I
Supply Chain Management II
Management of Service Firms
Transportation & Logistics Management
Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Revenue Management
Supply Chain Analytics
Special Topics in POM
Quality & Six-Sigma
Time Series Forecasting
Total Credits9.0

Customized Concentration  

Students can self customize a concentration with coordination between their program manager and with faculty guidance. Please see your Program Manager/Academic Advisor for further information9.0
MBA Graduate Credits include courses in Accounting (ACCT), Statistics (STAT), Economics (ECON), Finance (FIN), General Business (BUSN), Interdisciplinary Business (INDS), International Business (INTB), Legal Studies (BLAW), Management (MGMT), Management Information Systems (MIS), Marketing (MKTG), Operations Research (OPR), Organizational Behavior (ORGB), Production Operations Management (POM), Sport Management (SMT) or Taxation (TAX), with a course number range between 500-799 or other approved course at the graduate level.
Total Credits9.0

Writing-Intensive Course Requirement

A [WI], Writing Intensive, next to a graduate course in this catalog indicates that the graduate course is a writing intensive course. The graduate course is a required course in your curriculum.

Sample Plan of Study

First Year (Part-Time)
ACCT 5102.0FIN 6013.0MGMT 5302.0MGMT 5202.0
NURS 5003.0NURS 5023.0NURS 5443.0RSCH 5033.0
 5 6 5 5
Second Year (Part-Time)
MKTG 5102.0BLAW 5102.0BSAN 6013.0MBA Electives (satisfies 3.0 credits of MSN Electives)3.0
RSCH 5043.0NUPR 6634.5NUPR 6644.5MBA Electives (satisfies 3.0 credits of MSN Electives)3.0
 5 6.5 7.5 6
Third Year (Part-Time)
ORGB 5113.0ECON 6013.0MBA Concentration3.0NUPR 6654.5
PROJ 5013.0MBA Concentration3.0MBA Elective2.0 
 6 6 5 4.5
Fourth Year (Part-Time)
POM 5102.0MGMT 7702.0NURS 569 (satisfies 3.0 credits of MBA Free Electives)3.0 
MBA Elective3.0NURS 568 (satisfies 3.0 credits of MBA Experiential)3.0MSN Elective1.5 
 5 5 4.5 
Total Credits 82