Graduate Minor in Drug Discovery and Development

About the Graduate Minor

The graduate minor in Drug Discovery and Development provides exposure to the multiple elements involved in the discovery and development of prescription medications. It has been designed to familiarize students with important applications of biomedical research and to facilitate a transition to the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry. It covers all aspects of drug discovery and development ranging from the identification and validation of molecular targets through to regulatory approval and commercialization. Students will also be exposed to critical clinical, legal and business aspects associated with the successful development of a marketed drug. 

Admission Requirements

Requirements for admission are enrollment in a biomedical science, biomedical engineering or biology graduate program and the approval of the parent program’s director.

Additional Information

For more information about this program, visit the Drug Discovery and Development program web page.

Program Requirements

Required Semester Courses
PHRM 525SDrug Discovery and Development I *3.0
PHRM 526SDrug Discovery and Development II *3.0
Electives **3.0
Cancer Biology
Epidemiology *
Business Processes and Contemporary Concerns in Pharmaceutical R & D *
World Wide Regulatory Submissions *
Intro to Clinical Trials *
Current Federal Regulatory Issues in Biomedical Research *
Pharmaceutical Law *
Leadership Skills *
Compliance & Monitoring Issues *
Special Topics in Clinical Research *
Principles and Practice of Pharmacovigilance *
Designing the Clinical Trial *
Innovative Product Development *
Fundamentals of Compliance *
Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology *
Informatics in Pharm Res & Development *
Regulatory, Scientific and Social Issues Affecting Biotech Research *
Health Policy and Economics *
Strategic Planning *
Vaccines and Vaccine Development *
Prin of Neuropharmacology
Graduate Pharmacology *
Advanced Topics in Pharmacology
Research in Drug Discovery and Development
Special Topics in Pharmacology
Total Credits9.0



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 Courses not listed above may be taken as electives only with the approval of the program director.