Graduate Minor in Pre-veterinary

About the Graduate Minor

Students desiring to attend veterinary medical school will have the option to elect to complete a pre-vet minor within the Master of Laboratory Animal Science (MLAS) program. The addition of these courses to the MLAS program will help to further enhance the student's application to veterinary medical school by providing additional rigorous and relevant graduate-level coursework.

Admission Requirements

Students will be selected on the basis of adequate educational background and veterinary/research/animal care experience. 

Prerequisite coursework includes chemistry, biology, organic chemistry and physics.

Admission into the PVET minor is primarily open to MLAS students. Admission into the minor by other program students is at the discretion of the MLAS program director in concert with the director/academic advisor of the potential applicant.

Program Requirements

Choose 9.0 credits from the list below: 9.0
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry of the Cell
Animal Nutrition
Fundamentals of Histology
Medical Terminology
Medical Microbiology I
Concepts in Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Graduate Physiology
Graduate Pharmacology
Total Credits9.0