Minor in Software Engineering

About the Minor

The Software Engineering minor is available to all University students in good standing with the exception of Software Engineering majors.


One of the following mathematics sequences must be completed before entering the program:

Program Requirements

Required Courses:
CS 171Computer Programming I3.0
or CS 175 Advanced Computer Programming I
or ENGR 131 Introductory Programming for Engineers
or ENGR 132 Programming for Engineers
CS 172Computer Programming II3.0
or ECE 105 Programming for Engineers II
CS 260Data Structures4.0
CS 265Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques3.0
SE 181Introduction to Software Engineering and Development3.0
or SE 201 Introduction to Software Engineering and Development
SE 210Software Specification and Design I3.0
SE 310Software Architecture I3.0
Select one of the following: *3.0
Software Project Management
Software Specification and Design II
Software Architecture II
Software Verification and Validation
Software Evolution
Total Credits25.0

Restrictions: Computer Science majors (BS and BA) take CS 260CS 265, (SE 181 or SE 201), SE 210, SE 310, and 3 courses from the list of electives provided above. Computer Science majors pursuing the software engineering minor may not count the software engineering concentration toward the degree requirements.

Additional Information

For more information, please visit the College of Computing & Informatics website.