Minor in Engineering Policy Analysis

About the Minor

An increasingly complex, interrelated, and technological society has come to rely on quantitative models of engineering systems to make decisions. While these models are used to make decisions in domains as varied as telecommunications, energy, and environmental quality, a common set of tools for the use of such models in decision making has been developed and forms the basis of an emerging discipline in engineering policy analysis. The practitioners of this discipline need training in mathematical and social science analytic approaches, as well as an understanding of the human factors that inevitably influence real-world policy choices. The minor in Engineering Policy Analysis is designed to introduce students to these topics.

This minor broadens the exposure of engineering students to societal issues and provides an initial introduction to analytic skills which they may use both in engineering practice and as managers (given that many engineers become managers both in the private and public sector). Graduates will have additional training and credentials relevant not only to engineering careers, but also to other fields, including urban planning, management consulting, and public administration.

The minor provides a basis for students to evaluate their interest and aptitude for graduate studies in fields such as business administration, public administration, and public policy. For pre-law students, the minor introduces them to analytic methods that inform the establishment and interpretation of laws as a mechanism of public policy implementation.

Program Requirements

Applied Quantitative Methods (6.0 credits minimum)
Students select one sequence in probability and statistics consisting of one introductory course and one advanced course. Any introductory course may be combined with an advanced course provided that the prerequisites of the advanced course are met.
Introductory Course Options
Select one of the following:3.0-4.0
Statistics and Design of Experiments
Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Probability and Statistics I
Engineering Reliability
Statistical Inference I
Advanced Course Options
Select one of the following:3.0-4.0
Probability and Statistics II
Statistical Inference II
Data-based Engineering Modeling
Additional Quantitative Method Electives
Numerical Analysis I
Introduction to Optimization Theory
Mathematical Applications of Statistical Software
Linear Models for Decision Making
Advanced Decision Making and Simulation
Policy Analytic Methods
Students are required to take at least 11.0 credits, including a course on capital investment decision making and a two-course sequence in economics.
CIVE 240Engineering Economic Analysis3.0
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics4.0
ECON 202Principles of Macroeconomics4.0
Additional Policy Analytic Methods Electives
Game Theory and Applications
Managerial Economics
Public Finance
Resource and Environmental Economics
Risk Assessment
Human Factors
Select two of the following:6.0
American Government
Constitutional Law I
City in United States Political Development
Sociology of Work
Urban Sociology
One additional credit of coursework is required for the minor. This credit may come from any of the three areas above. It is permissible to count 3.0 of the credits from a 4.0 credit class towards fulfilling one of the other areas, thereby using the 4th credit to meet the elective credit requirement.
Total Credits24.0-26.0

Writing-Intensive Course Requirements

In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive courses after their freshman year. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. The third can be in any discipline. Students are advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the sophomore year, and to avoid “clustering” these courses near the end of their matriculation. Transfer students need to meet with an academic advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to graduate.

A "WI" next to a course in this catalog may indicate that this course can fulfill a writing-intensive requirement. For the most up-to-date list of writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing Intensive Course List at the University Writing Program. Students scheduling their courses can also conduct a search for courses with the attribute "WI" to bring up a list of all writing-intensive courses available that term.

Additional Information

For information about this minor, contact Patrick Gurian, PhD at pgurian@drexel.edu.