DragonsTeach Certification Minor

About the Minor

This minor can be coupled with a variety of STEM majors. It will provide an opportunity to explore STEM education and develop core knowledge and practices in secondary STEM education. Successful STEM Education minor candidates will be prepared to apply for the PA Instructional I teaching certification as a secondary teacher (grades 7-12) in one or more STEM content areas. This minor includes coursework that meets the requirements to be recommended for teacher certification in PA.

The program requires that candidates have a B average (3.0 GPA) in content courses needed for teacher certification in addition to the grade of B or better in each EDEX, EDUC, ESTM, and MTED courses throughout their time in the program. These requirements must be satisfied for Drexel to recommend the candidates for teacher certification upon graduation and/or be considered to have completed the program. Clearances and field placement applications must be submitted before participating in coursework with classroom-based field components. 

Admission Requirements

Must be a STEM major.

Program Requirements

Introductory Courses
ESTM 201DragonsTeach: Step 11.5
ESTM 210DragonsTeach: Step 21.5
STEM Education Core Courses
ESTM 301Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science3.0
ESTM 302Classroom Interactions3.0
ESTM 350Project-Based Instruction4.0
History of Science or Mathematics Course *
ESTM 362Perspectives in Science and Mathematics Education3.0
or MTED 428 Cultural and Historical Significance of Mathematics
or HIST 285 Technology in Historical Perspective
STEM Teaching Methods Course
MTED 419Teaching Secondary Mathematics3.0
or EDUC 315 Secondary Science Teaching Methods
or ESTM 335 Teaching Secondary Computer Science
STEM Research Methods **
ESTM 364Methods of Research and Inquiry in Science and Mathematics3.0
Special Education and English Language Learner Courses
EDEX 142Special Education Foundations: Referral and Assessment3.0
EDEX 344Inclusive Practices3.0
EDUC 365Foundations in Instructing English Language Learners3.0
Student Teaching
ESTM 409Student Teaching Seminar3.0
Total Credits34.0

Specific course selected in consultation with a School of Education academic advisor and is dependent on student's aspirations for teacher certification.


A Research/Methods/Design course from a student's home department may be substituted in consultation with a School of Education academic advisor.

NOTE: In addition, students specifically pursuing secondary level Mathematics PA Teacher Certification must also complete ESTM T380: Functions and Modeling.

Additional Information

More information is available at the School of Education's website.