Minor in Behavioral Economics and Business

About the Minor

Decision-makers are drawing from a variety of fields to inform their choices, and social scientists are increasingly reaching across disciplines to model human behavior. Economists, for example, have brought insight from psychology into their field and created a new field within economics—behavioral economics. The minor in Behavioral Economics and Business offers students the opportunity to learn about decision-making from a variety of perspectives and should be of interest to those who wish to broaden their understanding of choices made by individuals, firms, governments, and other agents.

Please Note: 

  • No more than 2 courses or 8.0 credits can be counted towards any additional major/minor/co-major or certificate.
  • No more than two transfer courses may be used to complete this minor. Transfer credits must be taken before matriculated at Drexel.
  • Students should check the pre-requisites of all classes when selecting electives. It is the responsibility of the student to know pre-requisites.
  • Cannot do a major and a minor in the same field of study.

All prospective students should meet with an advisor from the College as soon as possible.

For more information please contact LeBow College Undergraduate Advising Office at lebowadv@drexel.edu and visit the Undergraduate Advisors website

Program Requirements

ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics4.0
ECON 365Behavioral Economics4.0
Select 8 credits from the following8.0
Game Theory and Applications
Applied Econometrics
Topics in Behavioral Economics
Experiments and Causality in Economics
Select 8 - 9 credits from the following. 8.0-9.0
Marketing Insights
Consumer Behavior
Digital Marketing
Organizational Behavior
Leadership: Theory and Practice
Team Development and Leadership
Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
Introduction to Social Psychology
Industrial Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Psychology
Total Credits24.0-25.0

Students pursuing any of the Economics stand alone or combined majors are not eligible for this minor.

Writing-Intensive Course Requirements

In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive courses after their freshman year. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. The third can be in any discipline. Students are advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the sophomore year, and to avoid “clustering” these courses near the end of their matriculation. Transfer students need to meet with an academic advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to graduate.

A "WI" next to a course in this catalog may indicate that this course can fulfill a writing-intensive requirement. For the most up-to-date list of writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing Intensive Course List at the University Writing Program. Students scheduling their courses can also conduct a search for courses with the attribute "WI" to bring up a list of all writing-intensive courses available that term.