Health Sciences BS / Health Administration MHA

Major: Health Sciences and Health Administration
Degrees Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Health Administration (MHA)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 228.0
Co-op Options: One Co-op
BS Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 51.1199
BS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-9111
MHAD Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code:
MHAD Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-9111

About the Program

Drexel’s undergraduate Health Sciences program and graduate Healthcare Administration program have partnered to offer a BS/MHA 4+1 accelerated option for students in the BS in Health Sciences. While most health sciences students are focused on clinical health professions, the program opens the option for students interested in a career in health administration. The BS/MHA 4+1 program is a linked academic program that enables students to complete their Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Masters in Healthcare Administration in 5 years. Eligible students in the Health Science program will begin taking the Master’s in Health Administration courses in their third year and complete the Master’s degree in the summer term of their fifth year.

Additional Information

For more information about this program, please contact

Admission Requirements

Students in the Health Science program must meet the eligibility requirements for the MHA program prior to submitting their application. The MHA requires a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Degree Requirements

General Requirements
CIVC 101Introduction to Civic Engagement1.0
COOP 101Career Management and Professional Development *1.0
UNIV NH101The Drexel Experience1.0
English Sequence
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research3.0
or ENGL 111 English Composition I
ENGL 102Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing3.0
or ENGL 112 English Composition II
ENGL 103Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres3.0
or ENGL 113 English Composition III
Biology Sequence
BIO 131
BIO 134
Cells and Biomolecules
and Cells and Biomolecules Lab
BIO 132
BIO 135
Genetics and Evolution
and Genetics and Evolution Lab
BIO 133
BIO 136
Physiology and Ecology
and Anatomy and Ecology Lab
BIO 226Microbiology for Health Professionals5.0
Chemistry Sequence
CHEM 101General Chemistry I3.5
CHEM 102General Chemistry II4.5
CHEM 103General Chemistry III4.5
Mathematics Sequence
MATH 101Introduction to Analysis I4.0
MATH 102Introduction to Analysis II4.0
COM 320 [WI] Science Writing3.0
Health Systems
ECON 240Economics of Health Care Systems4.0
HSAD 210Health-Care Ethics I3.0
Complete one of the following courses:3.0
Advanced Health-Care Ethics
Introduction to Health-Systems Administration
Ethics in Health Care Management
PSY 101General Psychology I3.0
Two Psychology (PSY 100-499) and/or Behavioral Health Counseling (BACS 100-499) courses (minimum 6.0 credits)6.0
SOC 101Introduction to Sociology3.0
Two Sociology (SOC 100-499) courses (minimum 8.0 credits)8.0
Public Health
PBHL 101Public Health 1013.0
One Public Health (PBHL 300-499 course (minimum 3.0 credits)3.0
Anatomy and Physiology Courses
HSCI 206Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Sciences I5.0
HSCI 207Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Sciences II5.0
HSCI 208Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Sciences III5.0
Research Courses
HSCI 310Introduction to Research Methods4.0
HSCI 315Current Issues in Health Sciences4.0
or HSCI 450 Undergraduate Research Experience
Statistics and Assessment
HSCI 201Health Assessment through the Lifespan4.0
HSCI 345Statistics for Health Sciences4.5
Health Sciences Electives***30.0
Free electives21.0
MHA Core Courses
HSAD 500Historical Influences on the US Healthcare System4.0
HSAD 501Managerial Epidemiology3.0
HSAD 505Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Management and Policy4.0
HSAD 515Practice issues in Healthcare Management4.0
HSAD 522Applied Management Project4.0
HSAD 525National Health Expenditures4.0
HSAD 530Politics and Policy of Healthcare Resources4.0
HSAD 540Resources, Recruitment and Retention in Healthcare4.0
HSAD 550Strategic Planning for Healthcare Administration4.0
IPS 564The Business of Healthcare3.0
MHA Electives (Choice of 2)7.0
Intro to Long Term Care & Post Acute Care Admin
Aging & Disability Policy in the US
Advanced Healthcare Marketing
Risk Management
Group Dynamics & Leadership in Health Care Management
Global Health and Management Issues
Evaluation and Assessment of Healthcare Systems
Comparative Health Systems
Total Credits228.0

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter. spring/summer, summer only) based on their co-op program. COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term.  


Three Humanities (courses at the 100-499 level in ANTH, HIST, HUM, PHIL) or language electives (courses at 100-499 level in ARBC, CHIN, FREN, GER, HBRW, JAPN, KOR, SPAN) for a minimum of 9.0 credits.


Health Sciences electives include HSCI or NFS courses at the 100-499 level. Up to two science courses (BIO 200-499, CHEM 200-499, PHYS 100-499) may be used as Health Sciences electives with advisor permission. All 100-level freshmen course requirements in BIO, CHEM, ENGL, and MATH must be completed by the time a student reaches 135.0 credits.

Writing-Intensive Course Requirements

In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive courses after their freshman year. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. The third can be in any discipline. Students are advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the sophomore year, and to avoid “clustering” these courses near the end of their matriculation. Transfer students need to meet with an academic advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to graduate.

A "WI" next to a course in this catalog may indicate that this course can fulfill a writing-intensive requirement. For the most up-to-date list of writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing Intensive Course List at the University Writing Program. Students scheduling their courses can also conduct a search for courses with the attribute "WI" to bring up a list of all writing-intensive courses available that term.

Sample Plan of Study

 Fall/Winter Co-op

First Year
BIO 131
BIO 134
5.0BIO 132
BIO 135
5.0BIO 133
BIO 136
CHEM 1013.5CHEM 1024.5CHEM 1034.5 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0CIVC 1011.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
UNIV NH1011.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0MATH 1024.0 
 MATH 1014.0  
 12.5 17.5 16.5 0
Second Year
BIO 2265.0COOP 101*1.0COM 3203.0SOC 1013.0
HSCI 2065.0HSCI 2075.0HSAD 2103.0(UG) Health Sciences Elective**3.0
HSCI 3104.0HSCI 3454.5HSCI 2085.0(UG) PSY Elective3.0
(UG) Free Elective3.0PSY 1013.0(UG) Health Sciences Electives**4.0(UG) Free Elective6.0
 (UG) Free Elective3.0  
 17 16.5 15 15
Third Year
COOP ExperienceCOOP ExperiencePBHL 1013.0HSCI 2014.0
  HSCI 315 or 4504.0(UG) Health Sciences Elective*4.0
  HSAD 309, 310, or 3453.0(UG) Sociology Elective4.0
  (UG) Health Sciences Elective**3.0(UG) Free Elective3.0
  HSAD 5054.0HSAD 5004.0
 0 0 17 19
Fourth Year
ECON 2404.0(UG) Health Sciences Electives**3.0(UG) Health Sciences Electives**6.0STUDENT CONVERTS TO GRADUATE STATUS
(UG) Health Sciences Electives**7.0(UG) Humanities6.0(UG) Humanities3.0 
(UG) Free Elective3.0(UG) Sociology Elective4.0(UG) PBHL3.0 
HSAD 5013.0(UG) Free Elective3.0(UG) PSY Elective3.0 
  HSAD 5504.0 
 17 16 19 0
Fifth Year
HSAD 5254.0IPS 5643.0HSAD 5154.0HSAD 5224.0
HSAD 5304.0(GR) MHA Elective3.0HSAD 5404.0(GR) MHA Elective4.0
 8 6 8 8
Total Credits 228

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term.  Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.

COOP cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (Fall/Winter, Spring/Winter, Summer-Only) based on their co-op program.


Health Sciences electives include HSCI or NFS courses at the 100-499 level. Up to two science courses (BIO 200-499, CHEM 200-499, PHYS 100-499) may be used as Health Sciences electives with advisor permission. All 100-level freshmen course requirements in BIO, CHEM, ENGL, and MATH must be completed by the time a student reaches 135.0 credits.

Spring/Summer Co-op

First Year
BIO 131
BIO 134
5.0BIO 132
BIO 135
5.0BIO 133
BIO 136
CHEM 1013.5CHEM 1024.5CHEM 1034.5 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0CIVC 1011.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
UNIV NH1011.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0MATH 1024.0 
 MATH 1014.0  
 12.5 17.5 16.5 0
Second Year
BIO 2265.0COOP 101*1.0COM 3203.0SOC 1013.0
HSCI 2065.0HSCI 2075.0HSAD 2103.0(UG) Health Sciences Elective**4.0
HSCI 3104.0HSCI 3454.5HSCI 2085.0(UG) PSY Elective3.0
(UG) Free Elective3.0PSY 1013.0(UG) Health Sciences Electives**4.0(UG) Free Elective6.0
 (UG) Free Elective3.0  
 17 16.5 15 16
Third Year
PBHL 1013.0(UG) Health Sciences Elective**4.0  
HSAD 309, 310, or 3453.0(UG) Sociology Elective4.0  
(UG) Health Sciences Elective**3.0(UG) Free Elective3.0  
HSAD 5054.0HSAD 5004.0  
 17 19 0 0
Fourth Year
ECON 2404.0(UG) Health Sciences Elective**3.0(UG) Health Sciences Electives**6.0STUDENT CONVERTS TO GRADUATE STATUS
(UG) Health Sciences Electives**6.0(UG) Humanities6.0(UG) Humanities3.0 
(UG) Free Elective3.0(UG) Sociology Elective4.0(UG) PBHL Elective3.0 
HSAD 5013.0(UG) Free Elective3.0(UG) PSY Elective3.0 
  HSAD 5504.0 
 16 16 19 0
Fifth Year
HSAD 5254.0IPS 5643.0HSAD 5154.0HSAD 5224.0
HSAD 5304.0(GR) MHA Elective3.0HSAD 5404.0(GR) MHA Elective4.0
 8 6 8 8
Total Credits 228

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term.  Select students may be eligible to replace COOP 101 with COOP 001.

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program.


Health Sciences electives include HSCI or NFS courses at the 100-499 level. Up to two science courses (BIO 200-499, CHEM 200-499, PHYS 100-499) may be used as Health Sciences electives with advisor permission. All 100-level freshmen course requirements in BIO, CHEM, ENGL, and MATH must be completed by the time a student reaches 135.0 credits.