Educational Studies & Innovation BS

Major: Educational Studies & Innovation
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 180.0
Co-op Options: One Co-op (Four years)
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 13.0101
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 25-1081

About the Program

The Bachelor of Science major Educational Studies & Innovation prepares students who are informed about issues of equity and social justice as situated theories of learning and teaching as they relate to the spectrum of formal to informal learning spaces. Students graduate prepared to design, support and analyze educational settings in a variety of contexts (e.g., educational non-profits, youth advocacy, educational entrepreneurial ventures, in schools, community centers, hospitals and museums). 

Students will work with their academic advisor to select coursework in their own area of interests. 

Additional Information

More information is available at the School of Education's website.

Admission Requirements

  • 3 years of math (algebra I and II, geometry) HS
  • 1 year of lab science HS
  • Standard UG App, Essay and 2 letters of recommendation
  • Standard Standardized Test Scores

Degree Requirements

General Education/Content Requirements
BIO 100Applied Cells, Genetics & Physiology3.0
or BIO 161 General Biology I
BIO 101Applied Biological Diversity, Ecology & Evolution3.0
or BIO 162 General Biology II
CHEM 111General Chemistry I4.0
CIVC 101Introduction to Civic Engagement *1.0
COM 111Principles of Communication3.0
COOP 101Career Management and Professional Development *1.0
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics4.0
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research3.0
or ENGL 111 English Composition I
ENGL 102Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing3.0
or ENGL 112 English Composition II
ENGL 103Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres3.0
or ENGL 113 English Composition III
English (Literature) Elective **3.0
ENVS 260Environmental Science and Society3.0
HIST 275History of Pennsylvania3.0
MATH 171Introduction to Analysis A3.0
MATH 172Introduction to Analysis B3.0
MATH 173Introduction to Analysis C3.0
or MATH 107 Probability and Statistics for Liberal Arts
MUSC 130Introduction to Music3.0
NFS 100
NFS 101
Nutrition, Foods, and Health
and Introduction to Nutrition & Food
PHYS 151Applied Physics3.0
PSY 101General Psychology I3.0
PSY 320 [WI] Educational Psychology3.0
PSY 330Cognitive Psychology3.0
SOC 335Sociology of Education3.0
UNIV T101The Drexel Experience * 1.0
EDEX 142Special Education Foundations: Referral and Assessment3.0
EDEX 344Inclusive Practices3.0
EDLT 325Design for Learning with Digital Media3.0
EDPO 312Educational Policy, Law & Advocacy3.0
EDUC 101Foundations in Education I: A Historical and Philosophical Perspective3.0
EDUC 106First Year Seminar: A Case of Schools and Cities1.0
EDUC 107First Year Seminar: Exploring Pedagogies1.0
EDUC 108First Year Seminar: Designing Learning Spaces1.0
EDUC 123Adolescent Development3.0
EDUC 205Sophomore Pedagogy Seminar1.0
EDUC 210Early Language Development3.0
EDUC 216Diversity and Today's Teacher3.0
EDUC 222Development in Early Childhood Education3.0
EDUC 236Early Literacy I3.0
EDUC 305 [WI] Junior Pedagogy Seminar1.0
EDUC 306Assessment of Young Children I3.0
EDUC 308Creating a Positive Classroom Climate3.0
EDUC 316Teaching in Urban Contexts3.0
EDUC 324Current Research in Curriculum & Instruction3.0
EDUC 326 [WI] Language Arts Processes3.0
EDUC 335Engaging the Learner3.0
EDUC 338Expressive Arts for PK-43.0
EDUC 411Family and Community Partnerships3.0
Free Electives 53.0
Total Credits180.0

UNIV T101, COOP 101 and CIVC 101 are not required for Education transfer students. Instead, these 3.0 credits are replaced with ESTM 342.

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major.

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.


English (Literature) elective: Select course between ENGL 200 [WI] - ENGL 365

Suggested Electives: CRTV 301, CRTV 302, CRTV 303, CRTV 300, CRTV 304 , CRTV 308EDEX 368 [WI] , EDEX 375, EDLT 101, EDLT 201, EDLT 238EDLT 301, EDLT 303EDLT 343EDUC 112, EDUC 314, EDUC 322, EDUC 355, EDUC 365, ESTM 342, MTED 418, MTED 428, SCL 101, SCL 102, SCL 201, SCL 203.

Sample Plan of Study

4 year, 1 co-op

On-campus Full-time Plan of Study

First Year
EDUC 1013.0CIVC 1011.0EDEX 1423.0VACATION
EDUC 1061.0COM 1113.0EDUC 1081.0 
EDUC 2223.0EDUC 1071.0EDUC 1233.0 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
MATH 1713.0MATH 1723.0MATH 173 or 1073.0 
UNIV T1011.0Free Elective3.0PSY 1013.0 
 14 14 16 0
Second Year
BIO 100 or 1613.0BIO 101 or 1623.0EDUC 2363.0EDUC 2103.0
CHEM 1114.0COOP 101*1.0EDUC 3051.0EDUC 3063.0
EDEX 3443.0EDUC 3353.0NFS 100
NFS 101
3.0EDUC 3163.0
EDUC 2051.0MUSC 1303.0PSY 3203.0HIST 2753.0
PSY 3303.0Free electives6.0Free electives6.0Free elective3.0
Free elective3.0   
 17 16 16 15
Third Year
  EDUC 3263.0EDPO 3123.0
  SOC 3353.0EDUC 3243.0
  English (Literature) Elective: ENGL 200 - ENGL 3653.0EDUC 3383.0
   Free elective3.0
 0 0 13 15
Fourth Year
EDUC 4113.0EDUC 2163.0EDUC 3083.0 
ENVS 2603.0Free electives12.0PHYS 1513.0 
Free electives9.0 Free electives8.0 
 15 15 14 
Total Credits 180

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major.

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.

Transfer/Online Part-time Plan of Study

Successfully completed and equivalent course credits from other institutions will be evaluated for transfer credit by an academic advisor. In addition, an individual plan of study will be created for transfer students based on the official transfer credit evaluation.

First Year (Part-Time)
EDUC 1013.0EDUC 1071.0EDEX 1423.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0
EDUC 1061.0EDUC 2223.0EDUC 1081.0EDUC 2103.0
MATH 1713.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0MATH 1733.0EDUC 3063.0
ENGL 101 or 1113.0MATH 1723.0Free Elective3.0HIST 2753.0
 10 10 10 12
Second Year (Part-Time)
BIO 1613.0BIO 1623.0EDUC 1233.0EDPO 3123.0
EDEX 3443.0MUSC 1303.0EDUC 2363.0EDUC 2163.0
EDUC 2051.0Free elective3.0EDUC 3051.0EDUC 3353.0
Free elective3.0 ENGL Elective3.0 
 10 9 10 9
Third Year (Part-Time)
EDUC 3243.0EDUC 314 (Or Free elective)3.0ECON 2014.0EDLT 3253.0
EDUC 3263.0EDUC 3163.0EDUC 3083.0PHYS 1513.0
PSY 1013.0NFS 100
NFS 101
3.0SOC 3353.0PSY 3303.0
 9 9 10 9
Fourth Year (Part-Time)
CHEM 1114.0ENVS 2603.0COM 1113.0EDUC 3383.0
EDUC 4113.0PSY 3203.0EDUC 355 (Or Free elective)3.0MTED 418 (Or Free elective)3.0
Free elective3.0Free elective3.0ESTM 3423.0Free elective3.0
 10 9 9 9
Fifth Year (Part-Time)
Free electives9.0Free electives9.0Free electives8.0 
 9 9 8 
Total Credits 180

Program Level Outcomes

  • Analyze educational problems and define requirements for appropriate solutions. 
  • Develop collaboration and management skills necessary for leading design and implementation projects. 
  • Develop knowledge and skills in design-based research activities, methods, and projects. 
  • Articulate the complexities of learning ecosystems composed of formal and informal education through digital and in-person participation in classrooms, communities, and affinity spaces.