Real Estate Management and Development BSBA / Business Administration MBA

Major: Real Estate Management and Development and Business Administration
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 229.0
Co-op Options: One Co-op (Five years)
BSBA Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 52.1501
BSBA Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-9141
MBA Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 52.0201

MBA Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-1021

About the Program

Drexel LeBow’s BS/MBA program provides academically qualified undergraduate students with the opportunity to earn both a bachelor’s degree and an MBA within five years of study. Graduating with an MBA and an undergraduate degree provides students with a competitive edge when entering the job market without having the time constraints of typical degree pursuits. This program is offered to all students pursuing a bachelor of science in business administration as well as students from select undergraduate programs across the university.

The BS/MBA program requires a two-tiered application process which includes both undergraduate and graduate requirements. All applicants are required to complete a BS/MBA Accelerated Degree Application available through the undergraduate BS/MBA advisor for each college.

Additional Information

For more information please contact our Undergraduate Advising department at