Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS

Major: Fashion Industry & Merchandising
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 181.0
Co-op Options: One Co-op (Four years)
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code:
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 13-1022

About the Program

Drexel's innovative Fashion Industry & Merchandising major integrates visual design, merchandising, and business insight for the fashion lifestyle industries. The Bachelor of Science degree educates students to conceptualize, plan, develop, market, and measure the opportunity for products and services for consumers through physical stores, online channels, televised content, and interactive media. Students develop thorough knowledge of how products come to life through sustainable textiles, design, and production, and strategize the optimal assortment, inventory, and pricing for business goals. The multidisciplinary curriculum, based on both theory and practice, is delivered through immersive, experiential learning. Graduates work across the fashion lifestyle industries engaged in creative strategies, dynamic merchandise assortments, and new product lines for global consumer markets.

The program is ranked in the top four of fashion merchandising colleges in the United States by and in the top fifteen of fashion and business management programs in the world by Business of Fashion and highlighted as best overall, best in global influence and best in learning experience. Drexel is one of the nation’s top universities located in Philadelphia, the sixth largest city, with easy access to the city’s rich cultural life, vibrant design scene, and pivotal retail and entrepreneurial marketplace. From buying and fashion marketing to sustainability and product development, companies in Philly, New York City, Boston, California and other cities offer students a variety of career paths in wholesale, retail, textiles, sourcing, media, marketing, visual merchandising, and public relations.

Discover a Dynamic Future in the Fashion Lifestyle Industries

Students will participate in Drexel’s renown cooperative education (co-op) program, spending six months away from the classroom gaining in-demand career skills, bringing products and services to consumers, and receiving exposure to valuable industry networks. Co-op employers include Urban Outfitters, TJX, Nicole Miller, Marchesa, Fashion Snoops, and others.

Students take fashion business courses that promote real-world project-based learning. Students work in functional teams exploring business challenges and mapping out opportunities. Industry professionals and fashion merchandising entrepreneurs mentor students and critique business strategies.

Students expand their global intelligence through robust study abroad options from the Office of Global Engagement, including the highly popular London College of Fashion, Accademia Italiana in Florence, and Ecole Superiere de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE) in Paris.

Students will tailor their interests and passions via career pathway electives allowing targeted study in ecommerce, fashion marketing, communications, magazine and media publication, product development, entrepreneurship, and others. Students also produce the award-winning D&M Magazine.

Students will learn in a fashion merchandising program that has sustainability integrated throughout the curriculum along with courses that evaluate the intersection of society, culture, and fashion.

Additional Information

For more information about this major, visit the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design.

Admission Requirements

Standard admissions requirements for Drexel students.

Degree Requirements

General Education Requirements
CIVC 101Introduction to Civic Engagement1.0
COOP 101Career Management and Professional Development *1.0
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research3.0
or ENGL 111 English Composition I
ENGL 102Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing3.0
or ENGL 112 English Composition II
ENGL 103Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres3.0
or ENGL 113 English Composition III
ENVS 160Environment in the News2.0
ENVS 260Environmental Science and Society3.0
GEO 111Natural Disasters3.0
MATH 119Mathematical Foundations for Design4.0
UNIV A101The Drexel Experience1.0
Required Arts and Humanities
COM 220Qualitative Research Methods3.0
COM 230Techniques of Speaking3.0
Arts and Humanities elective **3.0
Required Social Science
Select one of the following:3.0
Politics of Hip Hop
Introduction to Social Psychology
Retail Intersections: Social & Cultural Issues
Social Science electives ***6.0
Visual Studies Requirements
ARTH 103History of Art III3.0
Select two of the following:6.0
Asian Art and Culture
Art of India
Art of China
Art of Japan
Contemporary Art
History of African-American Art
African Art
Global Material Culture
Special Topics in Art History
Special Topics in Art History
PHTO 110Photography3.0
VSST 101Design I4.0
VSST 102Design II4.0
VSST 103Design III4.0
VSST 110Introductory Drawing3.0
Professional Requirements
ACCT 110Accounting for Professionals4.0
ARTH 335 [WI] History of Costume I: Preclassical to 18003.0
or FASH 335 History of Costume I: Preclassical to 1800
or FASH 336 History of Costume II: 1800-1920
or FASH 337 History of Costume III: 1920 to Present
or ARTH 336 History of Costume II: 1800-1920
or ARTH 337 History of Costume III: 1920 to Present
or ARTH T380 Special Topics in Art History
or ARTH T480 Special Topics in Art History
COM 181Public Relations Principles and Theory3.0
DSMR 100Computer Imaging I3.0
DSMR 103Introduction to the Fashion Industry3.0
DSMR 201Analysis of Product3.0
DSMR 210Presentation Techniques Design and Merchandising3.0
DSMR 211Digital Design for Design and Merchandising3.0
DSMR 215Digital Commerce & Promotion3.0
DSMR 230Textiles for Design and Merchandising3.0
DSMR 231Retail Operations3.0
DSMR 232Merchandise Planning and Buying4.0
DSMR 300Design and Merchandising Trends and Impact3.0
DSMR 310Merchandising Operations & Management3.0
DSMR 311Visual Merchandising3.0
DSMR 333Fashion Product Development and Sourcing3.0
DSMR 464Merchandising Analytics3.0
DSMR 477 [WI] Design and Merchandising Seminar3.0
DSMR 496 [WI] Senior Problem in Design and Merchandising3.0
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics4.0
ENTP 105Entrepreneurial Thinking3.0
MKTG 201Introduction to Marketing Management4.0
MKTG 321Selling and Sales Management4.0
or MKTG 326 Marketing Insights
or MKTG 344 Professional Personal Selling
or MKTG 356 Consumer Behavior
or MKTG 362 Brand and Reputation Management
PHIL 301Business Ethics3.0
PROD 215Design Thinking in Product Design4.0
Career Pathway Electives 31.0
Total Credits181.0

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major. 

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.


Select 9.0 credits from 100-499 level courses, including T380-480 in AFAS, ARTH, ARCH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST, GST, HIST, INTR, IST, JWST, LANG, LING, MENA, MUSC, PHIL, PHTO, PPE, PBHL, RELS, SCRP, THTR, TVST, VSCM, WGST, and WRIT.

Suggested Arts and Humanities electives: ENGL 303, ENGL 335, HIST 163.


Select 9.0 credits from 100-499 level courses, including T380-T480, in AFAS, ANTH, CJS, CS, ECON, ENSS, ENVS, PSI, PSY, PBHL, SOC, and WGST.

Suggested Social Science electives: SOC 210, SOC 215, SOC 240, SOC 340, SOC I499.

Career Pathway electives enable students to pursue specific areas of study which compliment the Design & Merchandising major and the student's desired career pathway.

Suggested Career Pathway Electives:  ENTP 205,ENTP 209,ENTP 250,ENTP 375,DSMR 485.

Sample Plan of Study

4 year, 1 coop (Fall/Winter)

First Year
DSMR 1033.0DSMR 1003.0CIVC 1011.0VACATION
ENGL 101 or 1113.0DSMR 2303.0DSMR 2013.0 
ENVS 2603.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
UNIV A1011.0GEO 1113.0ENVS 1602.0 
VSST 1014.0VSST 1024.0MATH 1194.0 
VSST 1103.0 VSST 1034.0 
 17 16 17 0
Second Year
ACCT 1104.0COOP 101*1.0ARTH 103, DSMR 215, or ENTP 1053.0COM 181, ARTH 103, or ENTP 1053.0
COM 230 or 181 (or Social Science Elective)3.0COM 181, 230, or DSMR 2153.0DSMR 210 or PHTO 1103.0DSMR 3113.0
DSMR 211 or PHTO 1103.0DSMR 210 or 2113.0DSMR 232, ECON 201, or MKTG 2014.0DSMR 477***3.0
DSMR 231 (or Art History Elective)3.0DSMR 232 or 2314.0DSMR 3103.0PHTO 110 (or Career Pathway Elective)3.0
ENTP 105, ARTH 103, or DSMR 2153.0ECON 201 or MKTG 2014.0DSMR 3333.0Career Pathway Elective3.0
 Select one of the following:3.0 Social Science Elective 3.0
 16 18 16 18
Third Year
COOP EXPERIENCECOOP EXPERIENCEDSMR 300 (or Art History Elective)3.0COM 2203.0
  PHIL 301 (or Career Pathway Elective)3.0PROD 215**4.0
  Career Pathway Elective3.0Art History Elective or DSMR 3003.0
  Marketing Choice or Career Pathway Elective4.0Arts and Humanities Elective 3.0
 0 0 13 13
Fourth Year
ARTH 335, FASH 335, ARTH 336, FASH 336, ARTH 337, FASH 337, ARTH T380, or ARTH T4803.0DSMR 464 or 4963.0PHIL 301 (or Career Pathway Elective)3.0 
DSMR 496 or 4643.0Art History Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective 3.0 
Career Pathway Elective or Marketing Choice4.0 Career Pathway Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective3.0 
Career Pathway Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective3.0Social Science Elective3.0 
 13 12 12 
Total Credits 181

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major. 

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.


PROD 215 and COM 220 should be taken together either the summer term after fall/winter COOP or fall term after spring/summer COOP.


DSMR 477 [WI] should be taken the summer term before fall/winter COOP or the spring term before spring/summer COOP.

4 year, 1 coop (Fall/Winter - London Option)

First Year
DSMR 1033.0DSMR 1003.0CIVC 1011.0VACATION
ENGL 101 or 1113.0DSMR 2303.0DSMR 2013.0 
ENVS 2603.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
UNIV A1011.0GEO 1113.0ENVS 1602.0 
VSST 1014.0VSST 1024.0MATH 1194.0 
VSST 1103.0 VSST 1034.0 
 17 16 17 0
Second Year
ACCT 1104.0COOP 101*1.0DSMR 210 or PHTO 1103.0ARTH 103, COM 181, or ENTP 1053.0
COM 230 or 181 (or Social Science Elective)3.0DSMR 210 or 2113.0DSMR 215, ENTP 105, or ARTH 1033.0PHTO 110 (or Career Pathway Elective)3.0
DSMR 211 or PHTO 1103.0DSMR 215, COM 181, or COM 2303.0DSMR 232, ECON 201, or MKTG 201 (or Career Pathway Elective)4.0DSMR 3113.0
DSMR 231 (or Art History Elective)3.0DSMR 232 or 2314.0DSMR 3103.0DSMR 477***3.0
ENTP 105 or ARTH 1033.0ECON 201 or MKTG 2014.0DSMR 3333.0Social Science Elective3.0
 Select one of the following:3.0  
 16 18 16 15
Third Year
COOP EXPERIENCECOOP EXPERIENCEDSMR 300 (or Career Pathway Elective)3.0London Classes
  PHIL 301 (or Career Pathway Elective)3.0Art History Elective3.0
  Marketing Choice or Career Pathway Elective4.0Career Pathway Electives9.0
  Career Pathway Elective3.0Social Science Elective3.0
 0 0 13 15
Fourth Year
ARTH 335, FASH 335, ARTH 336, FASH 336, ARTH 337, FASH 337, ARTH T380, or ARTH T4803.0DSMR 464 or 4963.0Arts and Humanities Elective3.0 
COM 2203.0DSMR 300 (or Career Pathway Elective)3.0Career Pathway Elective or Marketing Choice4.0 
DSMR 496 or 4643.0Art History Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective or PHIL 3013.0 
PROD 215**4.0Career Pathway Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective3.0 
 13 12 13 
Total Credits 181

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major. 

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.


PROD 215 and COM 220 should be taken together in fall term after summer term study abroad.


DSMR 477 [WI] should be taken the summer term before fall/winter  COOP or the spring term before spring/summer COOP.

4 year, 1 coop (Spring/Summer)

First Year
DSMR 1033.0DSMR 1003.0CIVC 1011.0VACATION
ENGL 101 or 1113.0DSMR 2303.0DSMR 2013.0 
ENVS 2603.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
UNIV A1011.0GEO 1113.0ENVS 1602.0 
VSST 1014.0VSST 1024.0MATH 1194.0 
VSST 1103.0 VSST 1034.0 
 17 16 17 0
Second Year
ACCT 1104.0DSMR 210 or 2113.0DSMR 210 or PHTO 1103.0ARTH 103, COM 181, or ENTP 1053.0
COM 230 (or Social Science Elective)3.0DSMR 215, COM 181, or COM 2303.0DSMR 3103.0COOP 101*1.0
DSMR 211 or PHTO 1103.0DSMR 232 or 2314.0DSMR 3333.0COM 181, ARTH 103, or ENTP 1053.0
DSMR 231 (or Art History Elective)3.0ECON 201 or MKTG 2014.0DSMR 4773.0DSMR 3113.0
ENTP 105, ARTH 103, or COM 1813.0Select one of the following:3.0MKTG 201, ECON 201, or DSMR 2324.0PHTO 110 ( (or Career Pathway Elective))3.0
  Career Pathway Elective3.0
  Social Science Elective3.0
 16 17 16 19
Third Year
DSMR 300 (Art History Elective)3.0Art History Elective or DSMR 3003.0COOP EXPERIENCECOOP EXPERIENCE
PHIL 301 (or Arts and Humanities Elective)3.0 Career Pathway Elective or PHIL 3013.0  
Marketing Choice or Career Pathway Elective4.0Career Pathway Elective or Marketing Choice4.0  
Career Pathway Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective3.0  
 13 13 0 0
Fourth Year
ARTH 335, FASH 335, ARTH 336, FASH 336, ARTH 337, FASH 337, ARTH T380, or ARTH T4803.0DSMR 464 or 4963.0Arts and Humanities Elective3.0 
COM 2203.0Art History Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective3.0 
DSMR 496 or 4643.0Career Pathway Elective3.0Career Pathway Elective3.0 
PROD 215**4.0Career Pathway Elective3.0Social Science Elective3.0 
 13 12 12 
Total Credits 181

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major. 

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.


PROD 215 and COM 220 should be taken together either the summer term after fall/winter COOP or fall term after spring/summer COOP.


DSMR 477 [WI]  should be taken the summer term before fall/winter COOP or in the spring term before spring/summer COOP.

Design & Merchandising Faculty

Christine Baeza, MLD (Penn State University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Ethics, social entrepreneurship sustainability, design thinking, brand and merchandising management, textiles, textile designs and the circular economy.
Nick Cassway, BFA (Tyler School of Art). Associate Teaching Professor. Curating; experimental portraiture; computer design.
Maureen DeSimone, MBA (Colorado State University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Sales, brand and portfolio strategy, merchandising, new business startups, revenue and profit growth, team building, and leadership.
Joseph H. Hancock, II, PhD (Ohio State University) Retail & Merchandising Program Director. Professor. Apparel merchandising, retail operations, brand culture, GLBTQIA lifestyles and marketing fashion strategies.
Rachel Higgins, MS (LIM College). Instructor. Fashion sustainability, textiles, entrepreneurship, fashion presentation and show production.
Matthew Higgins, MFA (PA Academy of Fine Arts). Adjunct Instructor. Design foundations, Adobe Creative Suite, color and painting.
Alison Katz, MS (New York University). Adjunct Instructor. Multichannel buying and planning, digital strategy, site merchandising, and category content management.
Alphonso McClendon, MS (Drexel University) Associate Program Director. Associate Professor. Sourcing strategies for the apparel and textile industry, fashion business practice and entrepreneurship, merchandise operations and management, retail analytics and digital design.
Kimberly McGlonn, PhD (Louisiana State University). Instructor. Founder & CEO Grant Blvd ®
Dominic Monte, Grad Cert (Villanova University). Adjunct Instructor. Digital design, branding and creative communication.