Marketing BSBA / Strategic & Digital Communication MS

Major: Marketing and Strategic & Digital Communications
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Business Administration (BSBA) and Master of Science (MS)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 225.0
Co-op Options: One Co-op (Five Years)
BSBA Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 52.1401
BSBA Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-2021
MS Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 09.0909

MS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-2011

About the Program

The accelerated degree program combining the Marketing major and the MS in Strategic and Digital Communication degrees, allows academically qualified students to earn both their BSBA (Marketing major) and their MS in Strategic and Digital Communication in five years.

BSBA in Marketing

Marketing is one of the most dynamic areas of business because it focuses on satisfying the ever-changing wants and needs of people. Professional marketers research and identify target audiences, develop products and services, formulate pricing strategies, develop advertising and promotional campaigns, and implement methods of distribution so that customers receive products and services where and when they want them. The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most sought-after skills by prospective employers industry wide. Graduates of the accelerated degree enter the workforce one year sooner with the benefits of a master’s degree in strategic and digital communication, using the year saved to gain full-time experience and earn a salary in the field.

A major in marketing prepares students for the many opportunities that exist in product and brand management, marketing research, advertising, digital marketing, customer analytics, retailing, channel management, logistics and physical distribution, professional personal selling and sales management, purchasing, wholesaling, marketing planning and analysis, public relations, marketing entrepreneurship, and new-product development.

For more information about the major, contact the Department of Marketing.

MS in Strategic & Digital Communication

Drexel’s Master of Science in Strategic and Digital Communication requires 45.0 credits, and prepares students for careers in a wide range of professional activities relating to communication in both media environments and communication contexts that are characterized by advanced digitization.

With a robust core curriculum consisting of seven courses (21.0 credits), the program provides a strong foundation in theoretical approaches to communication, ethics and media/communication policy. This theoretical basis is designed to ensure that, as the field changes, students will continue to have an intellectual framework for evaluating and implementing new technology and changing media environments. Furthermore, the program trains students in leadership skills that will help them to lead teams to be innovative communication professionals in digitized media environments and different organizational communication contexts.

The program emphasizes flexibility, encouraging each student, in consultation with a faculty advisor, to craft an individual course of study tailored to the student’s individual interests and career goals. Throughout the curriculum, students use four Communication electives (12.0 credits) to increase communication skills or to further develop areas of specialization. An additional four free elective courses (12.0 credits) can be taken in Communication or in other departments across the university, allowing students to continue to tailor their plan of study. 

The program specializes in two areas:

  • Strategic communication (public relations)
  • Digital and social media communication

Strategic Communication

Strategic Communication has much to offer for those looking to work in public relations as well as for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Students typically choose from courses such as PR Writing and Planning courses, Crisis Communication, Media Relations, Nonprofit Communication, and others.

Digital Communication

With Communication being an area characterized by ongoing digitization, the program offers courses such as Strategic Social Media Communication, Digital Publishing, Digital Media Environments, Social Media Concepts that Matter, and others.

For additional information, visit the MS in Strategic and Digital Communication web page. Contact Julia May, Director of the MS in Strategic and Digital Communication Program at for more information.

Admission Requirements

Both incoming freshmen and current Marketing (MKTG) majors are eligible to apply for this program. Students who are already matriculated may apply after completing a minimum of 90.0 credits but no more than 120.0 credits. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and maintain this GPA throughout the program.

In addition to formally applying, already matriculated applicants must provide:

  • The name of two faculty references who can speak to the applicant’s academic qualifications and preparedness for graduate studies.
  • A writing sample consisting of a written response to a series of questions about the applicant's interest in the program.
  • A brief 2-3-minute video in which the applicant introduces himself/herself to the admissions committee and discusses their career goals.

Applicants who already received preliminary acceptance in the accelerated degree program as freshmen should finish the application process after completing a minimum of 90.0 undergraduate credits but no more than 120.0 credits with a GPA of 3.0. Students accepted as incoming freshmen need to submit:

  • The name of one faculty reference who can speak to the applicant's academic qualifications and preparedness for graduate studies. The admissions committee might request the name of a second reference as needed. 
  • A writing sample consisting of a written response to a series of questions about the applicant's interest in the program.

Applications are due by the end of week 6 for a program start in the following quarter. Example: If you intend to start the program in the Winter quarter, your application is due by the end of week 6 in the Fall quarter. Please reach out to the program director, Dr. Julia May, as soon as you decide to apply so we can assist you throughout the application process.  

For more information contact Dr. Julia May, Director of the MS in Strategic and Digital Communication Program at

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Degree Requirements
CIVC 101Introduction to Civic Engagement1.0
COM 270 [WI] Business Communication3.0
COOP 101Career Management and Professional Development *1.0
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research3.0
or ENGL 111 English Composition I
ENGL 102Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing3.0
or ENGL 112 English Composition II
ENGL 103Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres3.0
or ENGL 113 English Composition III
MATH 101Introduction to Analysis I4.0
MATH 102Introduction to Analysis II4.0
PHIL 105Critical Reasoning3.0
PSY 101General Psychology I3.0
UNIV B101The Drexel Experience1.0
UNIV B201 [WI] Career Management1.0
English literature elective ENGL 200 through ENGL 3993.0
Fine Arts elective3.0
Courses with the following subjects and course range from 100-499. Architecture (ARCH), Art History (ARTH), Dance (DANC), Film Studies (FMST), Interior Design (INTR), Music (MUSC), Photography (PHTO), Visual Studies (VSST), Screenwriting & Playwriting (SCRP),Theatre (THTR)
History (HIST) elective4.0
Select two of the following:6.0
Applied Cells, Genetics & Physiology
Applied Biological Diversity, Ecology & Evolution
Applied Chemistry
Applied Physics
Electricity and Motion
Light and Sound
General Education Electives12.0
Students select (12.0) credits of general education electives, with a minimum of one course in each of the following four (4) categories.
Diversity & Multicultural
Society and Culture
Courses with the following subjects and course range from 100-499. Communications (COM), English (ENGL), Fine Arts (ARCH, ARTH, DANC, DIGM, FMVD, SCRP, FMST, INTR, MUSC, PHTO, THTR, WBDV, VSST), Global Studies (GST), Language (LANG) or Philosophy (PHIL)
Social Science
Courses with the following subjects and course range from 100-499. Anthropology (ANTH), Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS), History (HIST), Sociology (SOC), Political Science (PSCI), Psychology (PSY)
Courses with the following subjects and course range from 100-499. Computer Science (CS), Information Systems (INFO), Science, Technology and Society (SCTS)
Additional General Education Electives
Business Requirements
ACCT 115Financial Accounting Foundations4.0
ACCT 116Managerial Accounting Foundations4.0
BLAW 201Business Law I4.0
BSAN 160Business Analytics and Data Visualization4.0
BUSN 101Foundations of Business I4.0
BUSN 102Foundations of Business II4.0
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics4.0
ECON 202Principles of Macroeconomics4.0
FIN 301Introduction to Finance4.0
INTB 200International Business4.0
MGMT 450Strategy and Competitive Advantage4.0
MIS 200Management Information Systems4.0
MKTG 201Introduction to Marketing Management4.0
OPM 200Operations Management4.0
ORGB 300 [WI] Organizational Behavior4.0
STAT 201Introduction to Business Statistics4.0
Select one of the following: 4.0
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
For-Profit Business Consulting
Nonprofit Business Consulting
Startup Business Consulting
International Business Consulting
Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
Sport Business Consulting
Business Statistics II
Marketing Major Required Course
MKTG 326Marketing Insights4.0
MKTG 356Consumer Behavior4.0
MKTG 380Seminar in Marketing Strategy4.0
Select six (6) of the following:24.0
Selling and Sales Management
Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications
Marketing Channels and Distribution Systems
Professional Personal Selling
New Product Development
Services Marketing
Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations
Interactive Marketing
Global Marketing
Brand and Reputation Management
Marketing for New Ventures
Digital Marketing
Customer Analytics
Data-Driven Digital Marketing
Corporate Responsibility Management
Free Electives18.0
MS in Strategic & Digital Communication Degree Requirements
Required Core Courses
COM 500Reading & Research in Communication3.0
COM 574Organizational Communication in Project Management3.0
COM 610Theories of Communication and Persuasion3.0
COM 613Ethics for Professional Communication3.0
COM 615Media Environments in a Digital World3.0
COM 651Media and Communication Policy in a Digitized World3.0
COM 698Managing Communication Professionals' Identities in a Digital Age3.0
SDC Program Electives12.0
Choose four of the following courses:
Campaigns for Health and Environment
Communicating Health and Risk in a ‘Fake News’ World
Science Writing
Document Design and Usability
Modern Desktop Publishing
Digital Publishing
Strategic Social Media Communication
Copy Editing
Foundations of Public Relations
Public Relations Writing
Public Relations Planning
Media Relations in a Digital Age
Crisis Communication
Creative Content Production
Fundamentals of Journalism & Newswriting
International Negotiations
Event Planning
Grant Writing
Nonprofit Communication
Communication for Civic Engagement
Focus Groups
Strategic International Communication
Graduate Seminar in Communication
Social Media Concepts that Matter
Investigative Journalism
Independent Study in COM
Independent Study in COM
Special Topics in Communication
Special Topics in Communication
Graduate Electives *12.0
Total Credits225.0

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major. 

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.


Students can select up to 12.0 credits of graduate-level electives (500-799) in the following subject areas: (AADM, AAML, ACCT, BUSN, CCM, CHP, COM, CRTV, CW, DIGM, ECON, EDAM, EDHE, EDLT, EDUC, ENTP, ENVP, ENVS, EOH, HMP, HRM, LING, MGMT, MKTG, MUSL, NPM, ORGB, PBHL, PLCY, PROJ, PRST, RMER, SCRP, SCTS, SMT, TVMN). Other graduate courses outside these areas might be taken pending approval from the graduate advisor or program director.

Writing-Intensive Course Requirements

In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive courses after their freshman year. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. The third can be in any discipline. Students are advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the sophomore year, and to avoid “clustering” these courses near the end of their matriculation. Transfer students need to meet with an academic advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to graduate.

A "WI" next to a course in this catalog may indicate that this course can fulfill a writing-intensive requirement. For the most up-to-date list of writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing Intensive Course List at the University Writing Program. Students scheduling their courses can also conduct a search for courses with the attribute "WI" to bring up a list of all writing-intensive courses available that term.

Sample Plan of Study

4+1, 1 co-op (Accelerated program completed in 5 years)

Students complete undergraduate requirements in four years, then convert to graduate status in the fifth and final year.

First Year
BUSN 1014.0BUSN 1024.0ACCT 1154.0VACATION
ECON 2014.0CIVC 1011.0BSAN 1604.0 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0ECON 2024.0COOP 101*1.0 
MATH 1014.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
UNIV B1011.0MATH 1024.0PSY 1013.0 
  General Education Elective3.0 
 16 16 18 0
Second Year
ACCT 1164.0BLAW 2014.0MIS 2004.0FIN 3014.0
STAT 2014.0COM 2703.0MKTG 2014.0MKTG 3264.0
(UG) History (HIST) Elective4.0INTB 2004.0OPM 2004.0General Education Elective3.0
Select one of the following:3.0Select one of the following:3.0(UG) ENGL 200 - ENGL 399 course3.0(UG) Fine Arts Elective3.0
(UG) Free Elective3.0(UG) MKTG Elective4.0
 15 14 18 18
Third Year
PHIL 1053.0(UG) MKTG Electives8.0 COM 5743.0
(UG) MKTG Electives8.0COM 6103.0  
COM 5003.0   
 18 15 0 3
Fourth Year
MKTG 3564.0MKTG 3804.0(UG) Free Electives8.0VACATION
(UG) Free Elective3.0MGMT 4504.0Select one of the following:4.0Undergrad Degree Awarded
(UG) General Education Elective3.0UNIV B2011.0Student classified as Graduate Student
(UG) MKTG Elective 4.0(UG) General Education Elective3.0 
COM 6133.0COM 6513.0 
 (GR) SDC Program Elective3.0 
  COM 6153.0 
  (GR) SDC Progam Elective3.0 
 17 18 18 0
Fifth Year
(GR) Graduate Electives6.0(GR) Graduate Elective3.0COM 6983.0 
(GR) SDC Program Elective3.0(GR) SDC Program Elective3.0(GR) Graduate Elective3.0 
 9 6 6 
Total Credits 225

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major. 

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.