Elementary Education Middle Level (Math/English) BS/MS in Higher Education Leadership MS

Major: Elementary Education, Middle Level (Math/English) and Higher Education Leadership
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Science (MS)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 225.0
Co-op Options: One Co-op (Five years)
BS Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 13-1202

BS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 25-2022
MS Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 13-130406

MS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-9033

About the Program

The BS/MS in Teacher Education with Middle Level Math/English certification and MS in Higher Education Leadership offers a flexible, innovative curriculum with a unique emphasis on creative problem solving and the application of the latest technologies to learning. This accelerated degree program allows candidates to pursue a BS in Education (Middle Level, Math/English) with Pennsylvania initial state teacher certification and continue for a fifth graduate year to complete the MS in Higher Education Leadership.
The BS/MS in Teacher Education and Higher Education Leadership prepares students academically and practically for careers in PK–12 teaching or other post-secondary educational settings, including capabilities to:

• Demonstrate professional ethics and independent and creative academic best practices that exhibit outstanding leadership, organizational, cross cultural, inter-personal and advocacy skills including the ability to communicate effectively with internal and external groups.
• Understand the changing role of teachers in increasingly diverse societies
• Demonstrate a strong academic background in all subject areas that meet PDE requirements including literacy, language and STEM areas
• Demonstrate the ability to create and maintain a positive and democratic classroom climate for students
• Demonstrate a thorough understanding of child development in their ability to develop and implement learning opportunities that are unique to every child
• Develop creative academic leadership skills with a global perspective on current educational issues, knowledge of best pedagogical practices, tools to effectively integrate technology in curriculum, assessment and instruction, and a strong academic background in all subject areas that meet PDE content requirements.
• Develop competencies to become reflective practitioners who are lifelong learners, who base their practice on theory, research, and developmentally appropriate pedagogy by analyzing, implementing, and evaluating existing and new instructional strategies and practices in a variety of educational institutions/organizations.
• Demonstrate advanced teaching knowledge and skills well beyond that required for initial Pennsylvania certification
• Develop advanced skills to function in a variety of roles as instructors, instructional leaders or researchers in local, state, national and international organizations, foundations, associations, corporations and private educational institutions.
• Have in-depth knowledge of both public and private (non-profit and for-profit) institutions as well as small and large institutions.

Additional Information

For more information, please visit the School of Education's website. 

Admission Requirements

BS/MS application must be submitted during Sophomore year before 120 undergraduate credits have been completed with cumulative 3.0 GPA to gain acceptance into BS/MS program. Continuation as a BS/MS student in Higher Education Leadership requires maintaining minimum term and cumulative 3.0 GPA.

Degree Requirements

General Education/Content Requirements
ARTH 101History of Art I3.0
BIO 161General Biology I3.0
BIO 162General Biology II3.0
CHEM 111General Chemistry I4.0
CIVC 101Introduction to Civic Engagement1.0
COM 111Principles of Communication3.0
COOP 101Career Management and Professional Development *1.0
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics4.0
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research3.0
or ENGL 111 English Composition I
ENGL 102Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing3.0
or ENGL 112 English Composition II
ENGL 103Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres3.0
or ENGL 113 English Composition III
ENGL 304Young Adult Fiction3.0
ENVS 260Environmental Science and Society3.0
HIST 201United States History to 18154.0
HIST 275History of Pennsylvania3.0
LING 101Introduction to Linguistics3.0
MATH 171Introduction to Analysis A3.0
MATH 172Introduction to Analysis B3.0
MATH 173Introduction to Analysis C3.0
or MATH 107 Probability and Statistics for Liberal Arts
MATH 205Survey of Geometry3.0
MUSC 130Introduction to Music3.0
NFS 100Nutrition, Foods, and Health2.0
NFS 101Introduction to Nutrition & Food1.0
PHYS 151Applied Physics3.0
PSY 101General Psychology I3.0
PSY 320 [WI] Educational Psychology3.0
PSY 330Cognitive Psychology3.0
SOC 335Sociology of Education3.0
UNIV T101The Drexel Experience1.0
WRIT 225 [WI] Creative Writing3.0
or WRIT 301 Writing Poetry
Pedagogy Requirements
EDEX 142Special Education Foundations: Referral and Assessment3.0
EDEX 344Inclusive Practices3.0
EDEX 368 [WI] Literacy and Content Skill Development PK-123.0
EDLT 325Design for Learning with Digital Media3.0
EDLT 326Technology Applications for Learning3.0
EDPO 312Educational Policy, Law & Advocacy3.0
EDUC 101Foundations in Education I: A Historical and Philosophical Perspective3.0
EDUC 106First Year Seminar: A Case of Schools and Cities1.0
EDUC 107First Year Seminar: Exploring Pedagogies1.0
EDUC 108First Year Seminar: Designing Learning Spaces1.0
EDUC 123Adolescent Development3.0
EDUC 205Sophomore Pedagogy Seminar1.0
EDUC 216Diversity and Today's Teacher3.0
EDUC 305 [WI] Junior Pedagogy Seminar1.0
EDUC 306Assessment of Young Children I3.0
EDUC 308Creating a Positive Classroom Climate3.0
EDUC 316Teaching in Urban Contexts3.0
EDUC 324Current Research in Curriculum & Instruction3.0
EDUC 326 [WI] Language Arts Processes3.0
EDUC 328Language Arts Processes 4-83.0
EDUC 355Social Studies Teaching Methods3.0
EDUC 360English/Language Arts Teaching Methods for the Middle Years1.5
EDUC 361Middle Years Science Methods1.5
EDUC 362Middle Years Social Studies Methods1.5
EDUC 365Foundations in Instructing English Language Learners3.0
EDUC 405Senior Pedagogy Seminar1.0
MTED 363Middle Years Mathematics Methods (4-8)1.5
MTED 418Mathematics Methods and Content3.0
Student Teaching Experience
EDUC 409 [WI] Teaching Seminar I9.0
EDUC 410 [WI] Student Teaching9.0
Free Electives12.0
Master's Requirements
Higher Education Leadership Core Courses
EDCR 510Leadership in Educational Contexts and Systems3.0
EDCR 512Using and Integrating Learning Technologies3.0
EDCR 514Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice in Education3.0
EDCR 518Evidence-Based Evaluation3.0
EDHE 501Foundations of Higher Education and Governance3.0
EDHE 521Student Development Theory and Application3.0
EDHE 531Legal Issues & Ethics in Higher Education3.0
EDHE 541Institutional Assessment, Accreditation and Effectiveness3.0
EDHE 607Higher Education Career Development, Leadership & Application3.0
EDU 780Capstone Research3.0
Students have the option to select from the Practitioner or Thesis capstone track.
EDUP 780Practitioner Capstone Course I3.0
or EDUT 780 Thesis Capstone Course I
EDUP 781Practitioner Capstone Course II3.0-4.5
or EDUT 781 Thesis Capstone Course II
Electives or Concentration (see below) **9.0
Students select either any three elective courses (from offerings within the School of Education) or three courses within one of the concentrations offered.
Concentration in Global and International Education
Select three of the following:
Global, International & Comparative Education
Comparative Higher Education Systems
Culture, Society & Education in Comparative Perspective
Globalization and Educational Change
Analysis of Policy Issues in Global & International Education
Concentration in Education Policy
Education Policy: Concepts, Issues, and Applications
Select two of the following:
The Shaping of American Education Policy: Global Forces, Interest Groups, and Politics
American Educational Policy and U.S. Competitiveness
Quantitative Literacy: Interpreting and reporting data for educational policy and research
Ethics in Educational Policy Making
Access & Equity in Educational Policy Making
Concentration in Learning Technologies and Instructional Design
Select three of the following:
The Learning Sciences
Learning Engineering
Play & Learning in a Participatory Culture
Learning Analytics: Lenses on students, teaching, and curriculum enactment
Instructional Design Methods
Teaching and Learning Issues in E-Learning
Concentration in Student Development and Affairs
Critical Issues & Risk Management in Student Affairs
Student Success: Learning and Innovative Support Services
Concentration in Mind, Brain, Learning & Administration
Mind, Brain and Learning
Select one of the following:
Neurodiversity in Education and Workforce
Neuropedagogy and Assessment
Select one of the following:
Critical Issues & Risk Management in Student Affairs
Student Success: Learning and Innovative Support Services
Concentration in Creativity & Innovation
Foundations in Creativity
Select two of the following:
Tools and Techniques in Creativity
Creativity in the Workplace
Concentration in Human Resource Development
Foundations of Human Resources Development
Strategic Human Resource Development
Total Credits225.0-226.5

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major. 

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.


Students may choose any 500-level or higher course from the following subject codes as an elective as long as it does not require field experience or have any program restrictions: CRTV, EDAM, EDCR, EDGI, EDHE, EDLT, EDPO, EDUC, ELL, EHRD, SCL.

Sample Plan of Study

4+1, 1 co-op (Accelerated program completed in 5 years)

Students complete undergraduate requirements in four years, then convert to graduate status in the fifth and final year.

First Year
BIO 1613.0CIVC 1011.0EDEX 1423.0VACATION
EDUC 1013.0COM 1113.0EDUC 1081.0 
EDUC 1061.0EDUC 1071.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
EDUC 1233.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0ENVS 2603.0 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0MATH 1723.0LING 1013.0 
MATH 1713.0MUSC 1303.0MATH 107 or 1733.0 
UNIV T1011.0   
 17 14 16 0
Second Year
BIO 1623.0COOP 101*1.0EDEX 3683.0CHEM 1114.0
EDEX 3443.0EDUC 3063.0EDUC 2163.0EDLT 3253.0
EDUC 2051.0EDUC 3653.0EDUC 3083.0EDUC 3051.0
HIST 2753.0EDPO 3123.0MATH 2053.0PSY 3203.0
PSY 1013.0PHYS 1513.0MTED 4183.0SOC 3353.0
(UG) Free Elective3.0WRIT 225 or 3013.0  
 16 16 15 14
Third Year
EDUC 3611.5EDUC 3601.5EDUC 3163.0EDUC 3243.0
MTED 3631.5EDUC 3621.5EDUC 3263.0EDUC 3283.0
  EDUC 3553.0ENGL 3043.0
  EDHE 5013.0PSY 3303.0
   GR Concentration3.0
 3 3 15 19
Fourth Year
EDUC 4099.0EDUC 4109.0ARTH 1013.0Student Converts to GR status
(UG) Free elective3.0(UG) Free elective3.0EDUC 4051.0EDHE 5313.0
EDCR 5103.0EDCR 5143.0HIST 2014.0EDHE 5413.0
  NFS 1002.0GR Concentration3.0
  NFS 1011.0 
  (UG) Free elective3.0 
  EDCR 5183.0 
 15 15 17 9
Fifth Year
EDCR 5123.0EDUP 780 or EDUT 7803.0EDHE 5213.0 
EDHE 6073.0GR Concentration3.0EDUP 781 or EDUT 7813.0-4.5 
EDU 7803.0   
 9 6 6-7.5 
Total Credits 225-226.5

Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-year) and major.

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.

Students not participating in co-op will take an extra Free Elective credit in place of COOP 101

Education Faculty

Jennifer Adams, EdD (Harvard University). Associate Professor. Comparative and international education; Poverty and education; Child welfare; Educational policy.
Ayana Allen, PhD (Texas A&M University ). Associate Professor. Urban education; Identity construction in school contexts; Urban school transformation.
Kristen Betts, EdD (George Washington University). Clinical Professor. Higher education administration and governance, online blended education, instructional design and educational technology, program assessment and evaluation.
Eric Brewe, PhD (Arizona State University). Associate Professor. Physics Education Research, introductory course reform, network analysis in learning, neuromechanisms of learning.
Stephanie Smith Budhai, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Clinical Professor. Teacher and higher education, culturally responsive teaching, equity and social justice, online learning, community engagement and service-learning, family involvement and partnerships, and learning technologies.
José Luis Chávez, EdD (University of Southern California). Clinical Professor. Higher education leadership and administration.
Rebecca Clothey, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) Department Head, Global Studies and Modern Languages. Professor. Comparative and international education, education of ethnic and linguistic minorities, refugees, China studies.
James Connell, PhD (Louisiana State University) Founding Clinical Core Director and Research Fellow, A.J. Drexel Autism Institute. Associate Professor. Identifying the variables that influence adult behavior change in community settings; autism intervention; widespread dissemination of evidence-based interventions in school and community settings.
Kareem Edouard, PhD (Stanford University). Assistant Professor. Educational technology; internet-based STEM learning; equity and inclusion in STEM education
Salvatore V. Falletta, EdD (North Carolina State University). Clinical Professor. Human Resource intelligence (i.e., HR research and analytics practices); HRD assessment, measurement, and evaluation models and taxonomies; organizational diagnostic models; web-based employee and organizational survey methods, and computational modeling.
Aroutis N. Foster, PhD (Michigan State University) Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies. Professor. Educational psychology and educational technology, especially the following: Motivation; Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK); Immersive Interactive Digital Environments (simulation, games, virtual realities.
Rajashi Ghosh, PhD (University of Louisville, Kentucky) Department Chair for Policy, Organization & Leadership. Associate Professor. Mentoring and leader development, workplace Incivility, workplace learning and development.
John M. Gould, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) Harrisburg EdD Educational Leadership & Change Program. Clinical Professor. Change leadership, curriculum re-design, the impact of technology on learning.
Dominic F. Gullo, PhD (Indiana University). Professor. Studying the relative and long-range effects of early schooling experiences in prekindergarten and kindergarten on children's achievement and social adaptation to school routine.
H. Bernard Hall, PhD (Temple University). Assistant Professor. Hip-hop Pedagogy, English Education, Urban Teacher Education.
Paul Harrington, PhD (University of Massachusetts, Boston) Director, Center for Labor Markets and Policy. Professor. Teen and young adult job access; economic outlook, college labor market; workforce development, planning, and development; vocational rehabilitation and job market transition.
Michael J. Haslip, PhD (Old Dominion University). Assistant Professor. Early childhood education, social and emotional learning, child guidance strategies, effects of public pre-school attendance.
Deanna Hill, JD, PhD (University of Pittsburgh). Associate Clinical Professor. Higher education, international education, education law, education policy
Erin Horvat, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles) Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. Professor. Urban education, access and equity, high school dropout, parent involvement/family involvement, community engagement in research.
Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro, PhD (University of Oregon) Associate Dean of Research. Associate Professor. Educational administration, leadership development, survey & instrument design.
Larry Keiser, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Education and corporate/business leaders’ creativity and entrepreneurial mindsets; creative school/work environments; neuroscience of creativity; everyday creativity for teachers and educators.
Kristy Kelly, PhD (University of Wisconsin, Madison). Associate Clinical Professor. Sociology of gender and development; anthropology of policy; comparative and international education; qualitative research methods; Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
Cameron Kiosoglous, PhD (Virginia Tech University) Program Director. Assistant Clinical Professor. Coached on the USRowing National Team staff since 2002, including the 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 Olympic Games; coaching development; measuring coaching quality; self-insight and reflective practices; coaching leadership; conference presenter; published author.
Valerie Klein, PhD (Amherst College). Associate Clinical Professor. Mathematics learning and teaching; teacher's use of formative assessment in mathematics; creating opportunities for rich problem solving in the classroom; examining teachers growth and change; qualitative research methods.
Peggy Kong, PhD (Harvard University). Associate Clinical Professor. Comparative and international education, equity in education, family and community, Chinese education and society, sociology of education
Michael G. Kozak, Ed.D. (Rowan University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Leadership, STEAM, online and blended learning environments, systems thinking, experiential learning, K-12 education, and facilitating change
Amanda Lannie, PhD (Syracuse University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Applied behavior analysis and special education; School-based consultation; system-wide interventions as a mechanism for delivery supports to all students; Designing effective and efficient interventions for students with emotional/behavioral disorders.
Vera Lee, EdD (University of Pennsylvania) Department Chair for Teaching, Learning & Curriculum. Associate Clinical Professor. Practitioner Research in online courses to explore inservice/preservice teachers’ emerging understandings about issues of diversity; the development of information/digital literacies of urban youth; English language learners.
Bruce Levine, JD (New York University). Associate Clinical Professor. Educational policy, school law, public-private partnerships, intersection of business and education.
Kristine Lewis-Grant, PhD (Temple University). Clinical Professor. Experiences of students of African descent at predominantly white colleges and universities, college access and college student development, youth civic engagement in urban school reform, qualitative research and evaluation.
William Lynch, PhD (University of Maryland). Professor. Curriculum and educational leadership, educational technology, distance learning policy development, higher and adult education.
Constance Lyttle, PhD, JD (University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University). Clinical Professor. Legal rights of gifted and talented children and children with disabilities; inclusive education of exceptional children; special education mediation; special education IEP/IFSP facilitation; resolution session facilitation
Joy Phillips, PhD (The University of Texas at Austin). Associate Clinical Professor. Visionary leadership in theory and practice, school reform as innovative problem-setting, thinking qualitatively about school reform. thinking about school reform by drawing, Educational Leadership Program Assessment.
Kathleen Provinzano, PhD (Marywood University). Assistant Professor. Educational administration.
Harriette Rasmussen, EdD (Fielding Graduate University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Educational leadership and change.
Lori Severino, EdD (Neumann University). Assistant Professor. Special education, differentiated instruction, reading, Wilson language, multi-sensory instruction, reading comprehension, assessment, adolescent literacy.
Jason Silverman, PhD (Vanderbilt University). Professor. Teaching and learning of advanced mathematical ideas (algebra and calculus); improving teachers' ability to orchestrate and sustain inquiry-based and discussion-based instruction; technology in mathematics education.
Janet Sloand, EdD (Duquesne University) Department Chair for Teaching, Learning & Curriculum. Associate Clinical Professor. Special Education Leadership, Trauma-informed care, Parent engagement in special education service delivery.
Toni A. Sondergeld, PhD (University of Toledo). Associate Professor. Cognitive and affective assessment development; program/grant evaluation; high stakes testing measurement; STEM education; urban education
Bridget Sweeney Blakely, PhD (Temple University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Consultation; Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS); Response to Intervention (Rtl); Systems-level change; performance feedback
Mary Jean Tecce DeCarlo, EdD (University of Pennsylvania). Associate Clinical Professor. Early literacy development, learning differences, knowledge construction, urban education.
Sarah P. Ulrich, EdD (Saint Joseph’s University) Associate Dean of Teacher Education and Undergraduate Affairs. Clinical Professor. Cross-cultural, language and academic development, school reform, teacher preparation, teacher retention, teacher residencies in urban contexts.
Sheila Vaidya, PhD (Temple University). Professor. Educational psychology, school psychology, research design.
Christina Vorndran, PhD (Louisiana State University) Program Director, Applied Behavior Analysis and Special Education. Clinical Professor. Designing effective and efficient community-based interventions, Severe behavior disorders, Functional behavior assessment
Christopher G. Wright, PhD (Tufts University). Assistant Professor. Engineering and science education, Urban education, elementary teacher education.

Emeritus Faculty

Mary Jo Grdina, PhD (Case Western Reserve University). Clinical Professor. Undergraduate studies, science education, curriculum design.
Joyce Pittman, PhD (Iowa State University of Science and Technology). Clinical Professor. Curriculum and instruction K-16; teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL); instructional design business education and administration; industrial and career technology; oral and written communication; research methodology; instructional and assistive technology assessment; online learning pedagogy
Fredricka K. Reisman, PhD (Syracuse University) School of Education, Founder, Drexel School of Education. Professor Emerita. Director, Freddie Reisman Center for Translational Research in Creativity and Motivation, Creator and Former Director-Creativity and Innovation Programs, Co-Director- Drexel/Torrance Center for Creativity and Innovation, Drexel University Named Recognition- Freddie Reisman Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Awards